Anyway, the good news is that I can now get into my old jeans again. The bad news is, now that I come to look at them properly, {rather than weeping, screwing them up into a ball and throwing them across the room} I see that the fabric is now so thin {ok, stretched and worn} in some places that I can see right through it. My beloved pointed out that many people wear jeans with 'designer rips' in them, but they're usually on the front, round the knees, not... higher up. And although I'm pleased that my hips are a little smaller now, I really don't want to show the world. There was nothing for it, I'd have to buy a new pair.

The trouble is, it's now apparently autumn, so the only pale blue jeans I could find in the shops were actually leggins. There were many pairs of dark jeans, apparently the only acceptable colour for the colder months ahead, but they were also 'skinny fit'.

I did consider trying my favourite retail outlets, the charity shops - of which there are many in this town. However, any jeans I could find in there would probably be just as worn out as the ones I already had. Besides, jeans have to be tried on, and charity shop changing rooms aren't usually very private. Yes, you can return purchases, but I always feel rather mean doing that. I know it's less than a fiver, but if I could afford to donate that amount to charity I wouldn't be shopping there in the first place.
In the end I went home, rummaged through my wardrobe and, to my great delight, found another old pair of jeans.... that I can also get into again now! Just about. Provided I wear a long, baggy top.
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