Nothing can get through there, especially the giant bees we get here in the north. They're probably wearing three extra jumpers under their coats, to keep warm. I know I have to.
When I woke properly, about an hour later, there was an enormous furry bumble bee sitting in the aforesaid gap. It has been unseasonably warm this summer, so perhaps this one wasn't wearing so much.
Now, you have to understand that I have a horror of anything with wings. {Including planes, and those rather creepy armchairs you find in gentlemen's clubs. I can just about deal with owls, so long as they're folded up.} so it took a few minutes of me going "Eeeew!" and flapping my hands about before I could bring myself to summon up all my courage and open the window properly. The bee didn't move. Perhaps it was dead, but I still wasn't going to touch it. I huffed and puffed for a bit, but eventully managed to blow it out of the window.
OK, so what were the chances of something like that happening again? Pretty slim, I thought, so I decided to risk leaving the window locked open. It is only a very small gap, after all. Also, I have fairly substantial roller blinds; even if another insect did get in, it's unlikely to get past that and actually into the room while I slept.
Imagine my feelings, then, when I glanced at the candle lamp on my windowsill the other morning....
..... and saw a little furry bat lying in the sand.
{I know, I know, I should have taken a picture at the time. I was a bit preoccupied.}
Surely it couldn't have got in through the window? It was about the size of an egg, for goodness sake! With wings. However, a rapid survey of the ceiling confirmed that there were no holes, and the bedroom door is such a tight fit that I have to use both hands to close it. That left only one possibility - a bat, an actual bat, had clambered in through my bedroom window in the middle of the night. Eeeeeeeee! I managed to get close enough to slide my tea tray over the top of the vase, then called my Beloved to take it all away.
Hmm... so that's two occasions on which something brown and furry has climbed in through my bedroom window in the night, and they do say that things come in threes. At least burglars aren't generally known for being brown and furry, so I can only hope that the next thing isn't a bear!
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